Innovation & Development Day
From Science to Innovation to the Development of the Society
From Advances in Science to Challenges in the Context of a Modern Global World Citizen and Participatory Science may be the next trends in systemic approaches to advance the sciences, as well as the interdisciplinarity of science and art to open our mindsets and perspectives. This enables vast innovation spaces through the exploration of the scientific and societal discourse in the art scene and its interaction with research, science and academia. Science itself needs to become more transparent and approaches of science integrity are showcased in the last day of the conference, with a critical outlook on the demand of technology assessment and risk management research.
As systems science is fundamentally human centred, too, especially in its ethical foundations, we will discuss the intended and unintended social and societal consequences of digitalization and digital growth on the final day of the conference. This includes robotics and artificial intelligence, internet of things, and the promises of technological advances for the development of our societies.