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Meet our Special Integration Group (SIG) Chairs

Submitting and presenting a paper at the ISSS Annual Meeting is one of (at least) three formal ways in which ISSS members can formally interact with other like-mind systems thinkers in the ISSS community.

SIGs -- which means Special Integration Groups, not Special Interest Groups -- come together to share knowledge in common pursuits. The discussions provide opportunities to expand, challenge and develop ideas and practice. The SIGs bring together a large part of the content at the annual meetings.

SIG and SIG Chairs

Exploratory Groups

Exploratory Groups are typically convened at an annual meeting. They may come together only once or twice and then disband, or they may self-organize for later formal recognition as a Special Integration Group. A SIG chair has voting authority as a member of the ISSS Council, whereas Exploratory Groups are not represented in Council.

For more detailed information, download our Call for Papers Booklet.

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