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ISSS Members: Meet the ISSS President-Elect 2016 Candidates


The ISSS President is elected one year prior to the presidential term for a three-year period, serving successive one-year terms as President-Elect, President, and Past-President (ISSS Bylaw 4.6). In this case, as a member, you will be voting for President-Elect 2016, President 2017, and Past-President.

This year we have two candidates, Ockie Bosch and David Rousseau for the position of the International Society for the Systems Sciences President-Elect 2016.

In response to feedback that members may not know the candidates and therefore may not feel sufficiently informed to vote, the candidates have created a very short introductory video so that you can get to know them better. We hope you will take the time to meet your candidates at:

If you are already a member of ISSS and have not recieved a ballot, please contact the ISSS Office.

Please post, fax or email the ballot to the ISSS office TO ARRIVE no later than June 15, 2015.


International Society for the Systems Sciences Business Office,

47 Southfield Road,


York YO42 2XE, United Kingdom

Telephone/fax: +44 (0)1759 302718

Results will be announced to all members through our email announce list.

Thank you for your support.

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